Wednesday, January 12, 2011


  1. I have listened to Beethoven's 9th approximately 30 times since Christmas Day. The drive to work takes exactly the length of the choral movement, which makes me inappropriately glad to be on the way to work.
  2. I have decided that if I limit my blogging I might do better at poems and other obligations that require me to stare at a computer and write. Blog posts are a pointless use of the same kind of energy. I don't think I have anything unique to say here, so why squander it on updates about my life?
  3. Update about my life: decomP is running one of my detective poems in March. Thank you decomP!
  4. A lot of things have stopped feeling particularly important. But I am reading some great things that I keep wanting to review before I finish them.
  5. If you cannot have a standing desk at your workplace, take hourly breaks. Yes, this was a New Year's resolution. Also drink tea if water bores you and it's too late for coffee.
  6. I am using my body to do things again. I mean, yes this means at its most literal "exercise," but I don't really care how my butt might look as a result. I'm fine with my butt as it is. I just like the sudden usefulness of muscle. I being more than just a machine of sensations. Feed the body. Rest the body. Give the body joy. Hey, body, let's accomplish this hard thing and watch it gradually become easier. Doesn't that sound like fun? This is why I like yoga. This is why I started up with roller skates. The body is suddenly this friend who helps you do things. I hope I don't break it in the process.

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