Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 overview

This year: I started freelancing in earnest; moved back to the city I was born in; got a new job I like less but, for now, want more; lost a cat; nearly lost one of my closest friends; gained but then at least temporarily lost another friend; got poems in 3 publications and another 2 upcoming; wrote a lot of unpublished poetry; became a co-producer of a local literary/theatrical group and wrote several press releases; had great ideas that actually bore fruit; cemented a sort of plan for the eventual future involving grad school not in Wisconsin; cut my hair repeatedly and gleefully even after deciding my face looks better when it's long; got a tattoo; went to Japan and Korea; fell out of touch with pretty much everyone who isn't in the same city as me and many who are, and decided that in 2011 I would get better about that.

Still, it seems like a period of few permanent gains. I realized I sometimes measure my life like it's a level-based RPG. Problematic. But let's say that I gained lots of experience points, but my armor is still pretty shitty and my spell proficiency is still only 62%.

Hello train, goodbye train.

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