Friday, December 31, 2010

Fragments, fractals, relevance

I write a lot of things that I don't know what to "do" with. Homeless fragments stacked up in Word documents with names like "drivel written on the bus" and "ongoing drivel" that pile up in my "needs work" folder without ever really "going anywhere." (The scare quotes are because I question still what "doing" something with a piece of writing means, and what it means to "go somewhere" beyond the obsessive stringing together of images and words. I question what "finished art" really is. I am often confused when I think about writing in the big picture.)

I'm considering that either 2011 should be a year to try earnestly to publish more, or to take a break from "trying to make it" and just burrow into deciding what I want from my writing. But does this need to be decided? Resolve, unresolve. Pace. I feel like I am wearing circles in the worddirt.

M. and I were talking about "relevance" and the thirst to be "relevant," and where it takes us. This is an idea for more thought.

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